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bonus facades 2021 balconies railings parapets

Bonus Facades 2021: balconies, railings, parapets


Among the various extensions included in the law of 30 December 2020, n. 178 (so-called Budget Law 2021) there is, in fact, that relating to the Facade Bonus. The art. 1, paragraph 59 of the new Budget Law has provided for the extension to 2021 for one of the tax deductions most appreciated by taxpayers, for interventions aimed at the recovery or restoration of the external facade of existing buildings.
The Revenue Agency has established that "You are entitled to the bonus for facades also for interventions carried out on: balconies; ornaments and friezes on the part of the building visible from public soil; gutters; rain; railings; cornices; plant parts on the opaque part of the facade. "
bonus facades 2021 balconies railings parapets
Therefore, if you need to redo the facade of your property, it is the right time to take advantage of the Facades Bonus and replace / make the railings and / or parapets of your balcony compliant.
Banisters for balconies represent a fundamental element for the safety of those who want to spend a few moments during the day outdoors, looking at the view or perhaps, enjoying moments of relaxation in company.
If once they were considered as a simple element of protection, now the concept of railing has evolved to become an important decorative factor that adds charm to the home.
For this reason Mobirolo has designed a complete and modern range of banister and handrails to satisfy every type of need.

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Handrails stairsOpen stairsSpiral staircase for saleStair banisterDIY staircaseStaircase treadsExternal spiral staircaseLoft staircasesMetal spiral staircaseSmall spiral staircaseStraight staircaseWood handrail
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