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News di Mobirolo

mobirolo banister handrail

MOBIROLO Banister & Handrail


The new Mobirolo banisters line stems from the idea to extend our experience on quality stair manufacturing to an additional element of great relevance in the contemporary architectures, by valuing it as interior and exterior element of design. Through the Banister & Handrail collection, Mobirolo introduces a new interpretation of design and architectural trends with the collaboration of the designer Antonio Lanzillo, who has been in part involved in the study and project phase, giving new shapes and lines to contemporary materials as steel, glass and timber. Banister & Handrail is a collection with a strong character, modern, technologic: it provides innovative solutions both for public building and private home applications, in a continuous relationship with the latest architectural trends of the contemporary world: ergonomics, design, aesthetic taste but also great performances. Specific attention has been paid to characteristics as resistance and loading capacity: the rigorous trials executed to grant safety and conformity to normative standards have led to functional and stylish solutions, suitable to be applied also to public spaces, where performances and research are harmoniously mixed into an innovative and quality product. Technological research and innovation are fully expressed thanks to LED technology usage, to enlighten the contemporary ambiences and architectures.

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