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suspended staircases ideal to exploit all the space

SUSPENDED STAIRCASES ideal to exploit all the space


Mobirolo created SUSPENDED STARCASES the essential charactheristic besides linearity is the absense structural elements to the steps allowing to exploit at the most all spaces under the staircase. A staircase with graphic shapes, made of solid materials. A cutting-edge technology to create a long lasting interior decoration, for living spaces of the future more and more flexible and opened to the space. The fixing of a staircase Akura it divides carrying wall. Only these typologies can guarantee the correct anchorage for a suitable distribution of the weights and the tractions.    
Realizable with steel or glass moderate. Present glass in three different colors: transparent, white, fumè.You choose among the different models of inside staircases. The staircases for inside they are among the most select models from our clients.Stately and elegant at the same time. The panel in glass of the handrails also forms barrier for the more children.
Giving a touch of ORIGINALITY and ELEGANCE. The certifications and the Stability are characteristic proper and fundamental of the production Mobirolo.
 see all the models AKURA consulting directly the site SUSPENDED STARCASES
suspended staircases ideal to exploit all the space

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Handrails stairs Open stairs Spiral staircase for sale Stair banister DIY staircase Staircase treads External spiral staircase Loft staircases Metal spiral staircase Small spiral staircase Straight staircase Wood handrail
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