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News di Mobirolo

anti skid stripes safeness for your staircase

Anti skid stripes: safeness for your staircase


It is often thought that the design of a stair is the most important feature in its construction: absolutely not.
The most important feature of a staircase is safeness. If you are safe, we sleep soundly at night, that's why we test the stairs making them resistentissime, but most of all non-slip.
I mean, we like to tell you how we are proud of our design lines and showing you our work, or telling how we are satisfied when our clients are happy with our work, but the thing that we love the most is that you are safe and secure every time you take a step on a Mobirolo stair.
After all, what's more beautiful than feeling safe in your own home?
The Non-slip is a fundamental part of the ladder, especially in outdoor staircase as the Willy or as the Econ z, more exposed to the elements, especially the rain.
Imagine if, after a rainy day, your son gets to run on a stair without the proper saftey, he/she would certainly be more likely to fall and get hurt.
We don't want you to live bad experiences, so we put anti-skid strips that make rough the steps and dramatically decrease the chance of slipping, for your safety and that of your loved ones.

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Handrails stairs Open stairs Spiral staircase for sale Stair banister DIY staircase Staircase treads External spiral staircase Loft staircases Metal spiral staircase Small spiral staircase Straight staircase Wood handrail
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