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News di Mobirolo

a jump in time heres how mobirolo began producing its staircases

A jump in time: Here's how Mobirolo began producing its staircases


It was 1966 when a artisanal laboratory of Reggio Emilia starts his journey to become the Mobirolo of today. Its dream was to create "stairs of quality and comfort". and so it has been, thanks to the continuous experimentation in technology, to his dedication and passion in its work, always looking for new ideas, which made it one of the leading companies for the production of stairs of high quality and aesthetic level. 
The experience over the years has brought the birth of new products in addition to the first retractable stairs, like the "Spiral" line, a selection of Spiral Staircases studied to harmonize functionality and aesthetics in vertical sense. 
According to the new trends and new tastes of the furniture, Mobirolo creates the line open: a contemporary adaptation of the traditional wooden stairs, taking a little bit of classic in contemporary décor of the dwelling.
Testing on the new industrial materials such as aluminium and Transparent Polycarbonate, have made possible the creation of the "modular" line, highest expression of the architectural design, a new vision for all vertical.
The cultural fusion of styles, shapes and materials has led to the birth of the line "tech": a dynamic style all given by the transparencies areas of the glass, the industrial design, Technology LED, warm colors that make us immerse in nature and the Laser cutting for steel structures.
All this just for the client to fulfill your expectations and ensure the quality of the product and service.
Mobirolo undertakes to respect the time of delivery through a productive planning continuously monitored. Guarantees the best commercial and technical advice in such a way that the customer can choose the solution that comes closest to her needs. Dedicated every day to improve the quality of the product, of the service and the processes through a constant research, staff training and updating of the technologies used.

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Reliability and commitment

We work to deliver a quality product, made to suit the client and designed to last.

We meet the expectations of our customers by providing excellent quality of product and service

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Handrails stairs Open stairs Spiral staircase for sale Stair banister DIY staircase Staircase treads External spiral staircase Loft staircases Metal spiral staircase Small spiral staircase Straight staircase Wood handrail
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