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loft staircases

Loft staircases

You can choose the materials more suitable for your living spaces: the glazed or painted steel structure in four different colours, to combine with steps of stratified glass or beech wood or oak wood with inox or chrome or glass banister for wonderful loft staircases. ADAPTS TO YOUR SPACE Our staircases are space saving stairs, they adapt perfectly to space thanks to made to measure tread and riser, for the highest possible comfort. Turn Rexal in your personal stair, customized especially for you. A wide selection of materials and designs for the handrail and banister. Combining taste with consistency. The banister of these loft staircases is made of the same elements as the one along the steps.  
See our loft saircases

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Handrails stairs Open stairs Spiral staircase for sale Stair banister DIY staircase Staircase treads External spiral staircase Loft staircases Metal spiral staircase Small spiral staircase Straight staircase Wood handrail
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